About us
Our programs
Family Child Development
We fight against child malnutrition and prevention as well as nutritional recovery of children aged 0 to 5 years old.
Learn moreTrade Skills
We offer training courses to mothers in vulnerable situations.
Learn morePregnancy
We accompany pregnant women living in social risk conditions, and promote the care and development of mother-child relation.
Learn moreHOMES
We have a transit home in the city of Añatuya, which houses children between 0 and 18 years who are in various situations of social risk.
Learn moreHealth
A group of volunteer doctors travels regularly to our Centers in order to take preemptive and recovery action.
Learn morealliance "El Impenetrable"
In partnership with 4 organizations, we aim to achieve the sustainable integral development of rural communities in "El Impenetrable" , region of Chaco.
Learn moreWhere do we work?
We have 12 Centers for Child Malnutrition Prevention and Family Accompaniment in the provinces of Santiago del Estero, Chaco and Salta. These includes our Children’s Home, “Refugio Madre Teresa de Calcuta” and “Casa de Madres”, located in Añatuya.
Further, we offer weekly trade workshops in more than 24 neighborhoods and rural locations in the provinces of Santiago del Estero, Chaco, and Salta.

We defend the rights of the most vulnerable people
In 18 years of work…
Children received nutritional treatment in the early stages of their lives
We align ourselves with the following
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: