we accompanied
1500 families
Our programs
Ensure the adequate nutrition and comprehensive development of children from 0 to 5 years old.
Accompany, train and empower women and mothers since their pregnancy onwards.
Strengthen families and communities.
Family Child Development Program
Family Child Development Program
This proposal seeks to promote the integral development of children from 0 to 5 years of age with malnutrition or at social risk, so that they can reach their maximum potential and have access to a future with better opportunities.
The program offers the following services:
Nutrition and food security: nutritional control is offered to children and training is provided to mothers on the correct nutrition of their children.
Early stimulation: children are monitored by a stimulator at the clinic, and their mothers are trained and receive activities and materials to stimulate their children at home.
Family accompaniment: personalized follow-up is provided to the family on issues related to health, home economics, identity, income, hygiene and more.
Health education: workshops are provided on child care, positive parenting and access to rights, among others.
Handicraft workshops: mothers have a handicraft area to encourage them to work with recycled materials and meet with their peers.
Pregnancy Program
Trade Skills
Trade Skills Program
homes Program
"Refugio Madre Teresa de Calcuta"
"Casa de madres"
In the city of Añatuya we also have a house designated for mothers and their children who have had to leave their homes due to various situations of violence or high social risk.
Health Program
In coordination with Cuerpo&Alma, Monte Adentro and Aéreo, this project, which began in 2021, seeks to achieve the comprehensive sustainable development of rural communities in “El Impenetrable”, Chaco province, (“Misión Nueva Pompeya” and the rural areas “Güemes”, “Pozo del Toba”, “Laguna Araujo” and “Nueva Población”), promoting and accompanying programs in four priority axes: education, health, training for work with an entrepreneurial imprint and community strengthening.
From Haciendo Camino, we intermediate with our Family Child Development and Trades Programs.
With the aim to prevent and eradicate child desnutrition, a nutritionist from our team helds nutritional attentions, alimentary counseling, pregnancy follow up and health training workshops for mothers in the communities.
As regards the Trades Program, once a week two types of workshops are held: cooking and sewing for women, with the objective of strengthening ties and providing practical training and support, so that they can undertake enterprises with the capacity to generate income and improve their lives.
For its part, Cuerpo&Alma makes monthly trips using doctors from different specialties to provide care in each of the places and coordinates an annual campaign in which more doctors and surgical specialties are added.
Monte Adentro provides school support classes and sports spaces aimed at children and teenagers in the communities.
Aéreo association deals with the monthly transfer of doctors to the Impenetrable and patients who need referrals.
Together, the four organizations worked towards community strengthening. We have a local coordinator and two family operators who visit homes in order to generate bonds, relieve needs and accompany families towards their own management of problem solving and development of local projects.