Towards a chilhood without hunger and without ceasing to play

Campaign: Pelota Cuadrada – Haciendo Camino
This poverty entails not being able to afford to cover the basic basket of goods and, in many cases, having to reduce food intake and/or skip one or more meals per day.
Behind these figures, there are realities that we need to change. As a society, we cannot get used to the fact that today thousands of children have gone to bed without eating.
“In the northern region of the country, child malnutrition affects the healthy growth of children and leaves irreversible consequences,” says Catalina Hornos, General Director and Founder of Haciendo Camino.
That’s why the organization’s mission is not about delivering food to families in need. To combat malnutrition, it’s necessary to work daily to provide them with the tools they need to improve their quality of life through their own efforts and personal development.
However, if hunger is not resolved, it’s difficult to think long-term. It’s hard to plan for the future when the primary concern is whether or not there will be a meal on the table.
Guided by this premise, Haciendo Camino, along with Jean Jacket Agency and Dale Más Deportes, launched a campaign in 2023 to raise awareness about the malnutrition affecting children in northern Argentina.
“With hunger, one cannot grow, one cannot study or learn. With hunger, one cannot enjoy. With hunger, one cannot play,” this is the message behind the campaign featuring a square ball as its protagonist.
Most of us can play fairly well with a regular, circular ball. However, if that ball has a different shape, even playing becomes difficult. Thus, the campaign presents a symbol of the limitation that child malnutrition imposes on the development of children in our country.
By the end of 2023, the campaign was recognized and awarded the Silver Obrar Federal Award, which seeks to reward communication campaigns with a positive impact on society year after year. It’s a recognition that translates into a much-needed goal. However, the numbers are still not there, and there is still a long way to go to win the match.
Over the past year, the team at Haciendo Camino carried out 1,628 health consultations, and 1,530 children received comprehensive treatment.
Since 2006, the organization has supported over 15,400 families. More than 25,740 growth check-ups were conducted, and 9,829 children received comprehensive treatment. Additionally, 2,881 women were trained in a trade and empowered alongside their peers in various workshops.
“Perhaps we haven’t changed the statistics or the numbers of poverty, but we have transformed stories, we have transformed the reality of the families we accompany, and this is the difference that each one of us can make,” said Catalina Hornos.
Dedication and commitment are daily. Fostering the comprehensive development of children so they can reach their full potential is the guiding principle of our fieldwork.
Bringing us closer and closer to the ideal country where boys and girls can grow in the best way possible: without hunger and without ceasing to play.
There are still several minutes left in the match against malnutrition. Let’s not give up and continue scoring goals to achieve that well-deserved shared celebration. Because the match against child malnutrition is one we all play together.
For more information about the campaign, visit: